Easy Installation & Maintenance
Download details for bunker installation & maintenance
Ease of Installation
Capillary Bunkers give you the flexibility to scedule installation during your off-season and avoid closing your course for installation during prime playing times. You can even install the Capillary Bunkers in cold or rainy conditions
Do it yourself or hire a contractor
Do the installation in-house, hire a contractor or speak to us about a full install. We provide support and information you need to help your team or contractor install our Bunker System successfull, makling your schedule more flexible and saving you money
Reduce Labour Costs
We’re commited to reducing bunker maintenacne. We know that although bunkers make up just 3-5% of a golf course’s playing surface, they likely eat up more than 25% of your maintenance budget. with our system, your bunkers will have significantly fewer washouts and need less sand replacement and raking - requiring less labour and less cost
Watch the video to see how a Capillary Bunker is installed
Capillary Bunkers installation in 5 steps
Prepare the subgrade: Ensure that all bunker drains work properly and the subgrade is positively pitched, stable under foot, smooth, compacted and free of debris.
Install turfgrass: Grassing around the perimeter should take place prior to installation and be secured to the soil by roots or staples.
Define the edge: Excavate the subgrade under the turf so you will be able to apply Capillary Concrete under the sod to help protect the edge.
Install Capillary Concrete: Cover bunker subgrade area with Capillary Concrete; cure 24 hours.
Install sand: Place bunker sand over Capillary Concrete; saturate with water.